Through general browsing, I came upon something that never even crossed my mind... Washing BDUs incorrectly. This goes for ACUs, ABUs, etc. Ive known a few things about laundry detergent such as allergens, bleach stains, and so forth. Never once has it occurred to me that laundry could be a safety hazard to My Marine.
The majority of laundry detergents have something called Optical Brightener. What this does to their Cammie's, is acts as a Phosphor and reflects more light then wanted under Night Vision and Low Light areas. It makes them more visible, and thus, put them in unnecessary danger. Along with adding additional chemicals, it also tends to wear and tear faster to the fabric and blends colors together, from what I understand. Fabric Softener is also something that should be avoided on BDUs, as it wears down the Ripstop fabric. Bleaching, Starching and Hot Irons also seem frowned upon. I have also heard once washed with Optical Brighteners, it'll never come out. I'm not sure how true this is, but on my guys new Uniform, It'll be a safe detergent from hear on out.
The Internet shows quite a few lists with 3 brands showing up on every single one; Cheer, Surf, and Woolite, with a few others making frequent appearances. Never trusting what I hear, I decided to email a hand full of companies from all over the board that cover various brands of detergent and get my own findings. 3 have responded.
"Hello ____
Thank you for contacting us regarding "all" Small & Mighty No Optical Brighteners.
all® 3x Small and Might® for Military.
Army combat uniforms (ACUs) have special technology embedded in the fabric that prevents the soldier from being detected by the enemy. Optical brighteners are known to interfere with this technology. A new 'all®' Free Clear detergent liquid has been formulated with out optical brighteners specifically for use with army combat uniuforms.
Here are some product features:
-No "Optical Brighteners
-Same concentrated cleaning
-Does not contain enzymes
-Only available at Military Commicaries
Your friends at "all" "
"Thanks for Contacting Cheer, _____.
Cheer powder is the only detergent that P&G sells that is going to be free of brighteners.
Hope this helps.
Cheer Team"
"Dear Ms. _____
Thank you for your email regarding Woolite® Detergents.
We are pleased to inform you that none of the Woolite® Detergents contain any optical brighteners.
We hope this information is helpful and we thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to your inquiry.Sincerely,Paul WhiteConsumer RelationsReckitt Benckiser LLC"
*Companies such as P&G Cover detergent brands such as Cheer, Gain, Tide, Ariel, and the fabric softener Downy. Sun Products are behind the production of all, Surf, Wisk and the softener Snuggle. Rickitt Benckiser produces Woolite.
From my own findings, I'm able to say that Cheer Powder, All 3x small and Mighty for Military, and Woolite are the 3 detergents I'm sticking with. Guess we can eliminate Surf being from Sun Products? I also e-mailed the main production company with no response. I'm very likely to go with one of the 3 I listed first because of their recipe being free of optical brighteners, and secondly because of their quick responses (Its been a week since starting my search). I'm into companies that jump on things right away. I think at this point it might come down to which one has a cleaner/better smell.
...and just to throw in some other laundry knowledge, It's good to flip the uniform inside out before washing to help stop fading, and to wash top and bottom regardless of which one is dirty to keep colors consistent with the other piece.
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