Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Few More Days

I get to see him this weekend. Finally. It's only been about 2 months. I can't say I'm excited about his new location, he doesn't seemed to thrilled about it either, but I'm excited to see him. I can't really blame him. He's so used to stuff being one way, now he's surrounded by all new territory and things. In theory, all new Nouns. I think what bothers me at the moment is my lack of grasp on things.

I Google everything constantly. Usually have a general idea of what to expect when it comes to various things hes doing/will be doing. Had a grasp on his MOS. I could help with homework. Now I'm just over there twiddling my thumbs going "Uhh... what?" Gives us time though to work twords weight goals. I'm still calorie cutting and walking for an hour, while hes up at 0300 (My time) hitting the gym. Who does that? D:

I was telling him the other day that I get into feelings/state of mind where I don't see him as gone. I don't see him as in the Military. I get this overwhelming scene that he's just out rock climbing for hours like he used to and will be back later on. It's strange. Sometimes its like nothing has changed.

I think I'm just being weird.

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