Monday, April 1, 2013


It's driving me crazy.

He's mostly settled into his new location and I'm already counting down days til I can see him. It's really unlike me to think about someone non-stop. Do I miss the attention? You could say that. It's only been a week, so I should understand his new schedule soon enough.

I think the current place is good for him. Good for "us" despite me still being home. Lack of communication between us is giving us both time to work on our physical fitness.  I dropped about 15lbs for the wedding, and some how managed to gain it all back in a single weekend. Plus some. Maybe an extra 5. It felt like starting completely over (For the 90th time). I know I need to drop it and keep it off, so that's what I'm set out to do. Lose it a bit more "Slowly" per say for an easier time maintaining.  I wan't to drop 26lbs. He, in the mean time, is looking to gain about another 25. We have an agreement to just meet in the middle.

We'll see how this goes. I need to increase cardio soon.

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