Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Too Many Eggs.

I've heard time and time again, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

That's exactly what I'm doing. Sitting here with a pile of "eggs" making way to many plans for something that's so indefinite.

Here I am looking at houses and making plans, and everything is still up in the air. What if he goes to Oki? What if all these plans are shot because he goes over seas and I stay here and continue to work, and things remain the same? Or... what if I under plan? What if he gets the base he put in for, and there aren't enough housing choices? I wasn't through? What if I'm terrible with time frames and my stuff should already be packed?

Panicking is what I do.
I do it quite well.

He told me last week he finds out this week. This week he said "Possibly this week, maybe next week."

The great thing about my odd little mind, is I can psych myself up for anything. I'm not sure if its "Looking on the bright side of things" or if it's just lying to myself until I believe it, but it happens quickly and it's a great feeling.

I'll just be here Submits more job applications, making a few more check lists, and planing out DIY projects.

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